I guess with the strong winds, migration was on the move for many Turkey Vultures and others.
I was heading north on Hwy 427 around 9am today when 30+ TV's were passing the Woodbine Racetrack and crossing the highway... and quite low too! I was trying to get a good look and count, and almost crashed the SUV... doh!
My destination was Claireville Conservation Area and it was non-stop TV's passing over me. Two here, four there, and I lost count over the next couple hours. Two American Kestrels passed as well with one landing on a wire for a break. Spotted a couple Red-tails. And something else I am not exactly sure about. It glided fast passed me.
The photos suck because of the sketchy sky and I was just too into watching all the action. I will try to do something with my pics of the mystery raptor and post soon.
So, with my decent sightings where I was. I can only imagine what the people at the Hawk Watches along Lake Ontario were seeing.
As close as I could get to one of the Kestrels
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A birth certificate shows we were born. A death certificate shows we died. Pictures show we live.