Long Sault- End of March- early April
Outdoor Ontario

Long Sault- End of March- early April


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The numbers are sporadic but the quality reamins excellent as always.

Highlights include:

-2 bald eagles
-5 red-shouldered hawks- including one that might be nesting
-2 goshawks- a great look at a big female
-1m coopers that sounds like hes trying to attract a mate
-4-5 m N. harriers
-1 osprey- first of the year- March 28
-2 merlins
-5-6 ravens
-dozens of pine siskins- for sure several are nesting there- I saw an adult bird feeding a baby on the 6th
-2 field sparrows- first of the year March 23
-1m pileated woodpecker
-3-4 ruffed grouse
-1 Woodcock- a lifer for me- a most welcome surprise

Other odds and ends

@ Thickson
-various winter wrens @ the end of March
-1juv Cooper's Hawk thats hanging around
-15+ brown creepers in one day
-2 fox sparrows- first on March 27
-1 m E. towhee- first on March 29
-1 carolina wren

@ Second Marsh
-1 red-necked grebe and 1 horned grebe - March 25
-1 Phoebe of the season- March 25
- little gulls (3) and bonaparte's gulls- April 4
-2 wood ducks
-an early barn swallow- March 25

@ Bowmanville Valley
-2 yellow bellied sapsuckers- April 7
-1 hermit thrush- same day
-2 pie billed grebes- April 8

@ West Side Marsh
-the ospreys- March 29
-2 E. meadowlarks- March 25

@ Whitby Harbour
-1tern- couldn't tell if it was a common or a Forster's tern- all I know is what it wasn't- A Caspian- it was far too small- it flew right past me but caught me completely by surprise.. unfortunately- but the red-bill was a definite tell

Cheers and happy birding
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Bird Brain

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Fantastic sightings!   :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".