I've received a few PMs regarding some of the board's photos. So, to keep things on the up and up, I ask that we follow a few simple rules:
- captive vs wild birds: if you take a picture of a bird at a sanctuary, zoo or other setting where the bird is no longer "wild", please explicitly state so in your post (either the subject line or in its initial description)
- recent vs old posts: to avoid confusions and questions, if you are posting older out-of-season photos, please explicitly state so. i.e. please don't post warbler photos in July if they were spotted in May
and finally:
- if you take the time to view someone's photo, please leave some sort of feedback. None of us are making money off of our pictures, and it won't hurt for you to compliment another birder/photographer. I'd even encourage polite critiquing if you feel it will be productive to the poster's photography (and if you think its welcome).
have fun!