Spent a few days birding Pelee Island this week, and found a number of good birds including:
2 Prothonotary Warbler (both singing males)
1 Yellow-breasted Chat (heard only)
1 Connecticut Warbler (heard only)
2 Lesser Black-backed Gull
~35 Whimbrel (including very close long looks at one sitting on the beach)
Other good birds around included:
various shorebirds (10 species total, most common being black-bellied and semipalmated plover, killdeer, dunlin and ruddy turnstone)
Excellent numbers of both cuckoos, perhaps 10 sightings in total and 30+ heard (perhaps 50% more yellow-billed than black-billed)
Common Nighthawks
Nearly all the regular flycatchers, just missed Acadian and Olive-sided
21 species of warblers including Mourning and Canada plus those mentioned above
Some species that were very common there that aren't as common in the GTA included Great Egret, Purple Martin (birdhouses everywhere), Bonaparte's Gull, Eastern Kingbird, Indigo Bunting and Orchard Oriole. The latter 3 are among the most common birds on the island.
The real highlights for me were non-birds, such as Comet Darner, many butterflies including Giant Swallowtail, American Snout, Little Yellow, Fox Squirrels (introduced) and various herps (Fox and Lake Erie Water Snake, Map and Blanding's Turtle)