Acadian Flycatcher @ Darlington Marsh- June 8
Outdoor Ontario

Acadian Flycatcher @ Darlington Marsh- June 8


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 315
For the second time this week I went for a walk at Darlington Marsh and in a decent-sized copse I heard, then spotted what I'm about 90% sure is an Acadian Flycatcher. The song seems right as does its appearance. I think the only reason I'm second-guessing myself is b/c I've never seen one before and they're so rare.

I always park at the southern terminus of Solina Rd. which is between the Coutice and Holt Rd. exits on the 401. There is a small parking lot right at the end of the road. From there I walk in and head east on the trail. Hugging the trail you can see a copse about 2-300m down the trail. Its there where I've spotted the bird. Its most co-operative and you can hear it singing away as you approach.

Cheers and Happy birding


Other birds of interest you can see there include:
-moorhen, gadwall, green and blue herons, american bittern, red-eyed & warbling vireo, brown thrasher, common yellowthroat and yellow warblers, baltimore and orchard orioles, N. rough wing, barn and tree swallows and many others
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »