Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Outdoor Ontario

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Leslie Kinrys

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Today, a birding friend and I spent the late afternoon at Earl Bales Park. (Bathurst and Sheppard area.) It was very productive. I keep seeing good birds there. We saw a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, which was a lifer for both of us. It sat in a tree, giving us great views as it kept turning and looking around. Other birds of note include:
-Wood Thrush
-Eastern Kingbird
-Eastern Wood-Pewee
-Chestnut-sided and Yellow warblers
-Warbling and Red-eyed vireos
-Belted Kingfisher
-Gray Catbird
-Cedar Waxwing
-GBH overhead
-Baltimore Oriole

And of all things, there is a female Budgie hanging around my feeder. It is quite a good flyer and rather bold, even outflying 5 Grackles that chased her.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Leslie Kinrys »
The bird lady of the tower.


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I remember seeing, about 10 years ago, a flock of small dark birds, possibly grackles, feeding on a lawn downtown.  One bird caught my eye and it was a bright blue budgie, feeding just like the others.  I always wondered if he migrated as well.  

With so many budgies around, how many escape to the wild every year?  Must be quite a few.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by markg »