Butterflies/Odes at Erindale Park
Outdoor Ontario

Butterflies/Odes at Erindale Park


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1393
    • http://www.reuvenmartin.blogspot.ca
I had quite a productive walk this afternoon along the river:

Ebony Jewelwing (3)
American Rubyspot (1)
Violet Dancer (3)
Powdered Dancer (30)
Teneral Dancer Sp. (at least 100 that I didn't bother to identify)
Eastern Forktail (15)
Fragile Forktail (5)
Familiar Bluet (20)
Taiga Bluet (1)

Green Darner (30)
Rusty Snaketail (1)
Black Saddlebags (1)
Common Whitetail (25)
Twelve-spotted Skimmer (30)
Eastern Pondhawk (2)
Dot-tailed Whiteface (5)


I'm still very much a beginner at identifying skippers, but I'm more or less confident in the following:
Least (15), European (30), Peck's (2), Tawny-edged (1), Little Glassywing (1), Hobomok (15)

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (6)
Dark Swallowtail sp. (1)
Cabbage White (20)
Clouded Sulphur (3)
Orange Sulphur (3)
Question Mark (10)
Red Admiral (3, all extremely tattered and faded. The new offspring should be coming out fairly soon, with all the stinging nettle almost completely devoured, and the number of caterpillars around seems to have dropped significantly the last few days.)
Little Wood Satyr (40)
Monarch (5)
Red-spotted Purple (3)

Otherwise, the highlight was a fawn and all the normal herps.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »