I received this email from one of the Staff at Mountsberg regarding one of the owls with his strange eye:
Hello Irene,
Thank you for contacting us. It looks as though the screech owl has suffered some form of head trauma which has damaged the eye. The bird likely has reduced vision in that eye, and may be entirely blind on that side. Eastern screech owls are commonly hit by motor vehicles, which can produce injuries like the one pictured.
Otherwise, the bird looks to be in good condition. Although not common, it is possible for an owl to manage in the wild with an eye injury.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know.
Amy Fennell
Raptor Centre Lead
Mountsberg Conservation Area
905.854.2276 x 227 | c: 905.208.1832
afennell@hrca.on.ca | raptorcentre.ca