I went birding there the morning of the 12th and despite the heat and the ridiculous deer flies I saw some great birds.
-2 veery, 1 wood thrush
-2 E. wood pee wees, 4 g.c flycatchers, 2 alder flycatchers, E. Kingbirds
-3 red-eyed vireo
-5 indigo buntings- such a beautiful bird
-2m cardinals
-3 grasshopper sparrows, 1 caly-coloured, 20+ field sparrows, 2 savannah sparrows
-2 braodwinged, 1 red-tailed hawk
-2 families of red breasted nuthatches
-4m 2f rose-breasted grosbeaks
-2m 1f E. towhee
-2 brown thrashers
-3 E. meadowlarks
-1m 1f bobolink
-2 gray catbirds
-2 N. Flickers, 1m downy woodpecker, 1 f yellow-bellied sapsucker, 1m 1f hairy
-1m 1f baltimore orioles
-1f 3 juv. hooded mergansers
-1 belted kingfisher
warbler species seen: 4 yellow, 1m blue wing, 1m nashville, 1f 4 baby black and whites, 1m bt green, 2 commomn yellowthroats, 3m 1f mourning, 4m 1f chestnut-sided, 2m 1f ovenbird
-3m 1f scarlet tanager
A great morning.
Happy Birding!
PS Just as a note, the last I heard of the Acadian was around the 10th of June. I went north for 10 days after that and haven't heard it again.