I was there yesterday as well, ( nice to meet you Howieh) and was not dissapointed as 2 Osprey did arrive and went fishing. This is an incredible sight to to watch in real time.
For such a small area (pond) there is a lot of entertainment going on. There was a Great Blue Heron and a Black Crowned Night Heron perched on branches off to the left of the deck. Looked like they were having words with each other on who's territory this was. There also a DCC sunning himself. And of course the mallards and the geese.
Of special interest, probably more for the kids, were all the ( smaller) turtles and ( larger) gold fish ( I'm wondering if these might be "Koi" - no wonder the Osprey are well fed ) swimming right near the deck. There were your typical "painted turtle", but as well were many "Red-eared slider" or Red-eared turtle (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-eared_slider ). I believe both of these are not your typical "pond" turtles.
However, there were 2 that I saw, and one fellow ( seemingly a very regular visitor to the pond ) said there were 4 there, of very large snapping turtles, about 12" to 15" long shells. This guys was tossing bread in for the fish and turtles. It was quite entertaining.
I'll have to go back again to see the Osprey.