Damn. I missed the opp. Better luck next year.
If you are going to go..try maybe between 10 and 11 or noon and 1.
This is when I have had the best luck.
The Osprey was in the trees at the back end of the pond in the early am 8 or so, but didn't move till after 10.
I think with the cooler nights, the fish hunker down longer into the morning because of the cooler water temp. So once the fish are up and start jumping then the Osprey start going for them.
Mind you, there is not much time left to see them, but if you go those are the times I would recommend.
Not sure. I have been there a few times about 8'ish but nothing, maybe daybreak but sleep has a bigger pull on me then birds.
Smarten up Bobo...birds come before sleep..