Very impressive Meghan! although the 'so called experts' might disagree with us I also prefer the slightly darker look (which can usually be adjusted in pp). I was really hoping to meet you at Oakbank this week but yesterday was the Zoo (more about that later!), today was Sunnybrook and tomorrow is St Mikes and if I'm lucky I'll get to Rosetta or the spit tomorrow after the hospital visit.
Yesterday was seniors day at the zoo and I promised the Love Goddess that we'd go so we did even tho she can't walk too far and I knew we wouldn't see most of the interesting animals. So we go through the gate and I'm standing around with enough bags (camera, food, purse, etc.) to go on a weeks vacation and I'm trying to keep from dropping stuff, etc., etc. and my left arm brushes against my torso and THAT'S when I got stung (or bitten 'cause we couldn't find a stinger) by something that took off before I could identify it (unfortunately nobody around me could help either). It was pretty painful but I wasn't too concerned until my arm started looking kind of funny(?) - and I mean funny oh, oh, not funny ha, ha! They called a nurse who rubbed me with Benadryl, wrote down all my contact info and told me to see my doctor if things got worse (which they did for a while) but by the time we left much of the swelling had subsided and I felt ok...anyway, I'm pretty ticked off because when I go to the zoo, as a crazy photographer I can fathom getting eaten by a lion or stepped on by an elephant or kicked by a zebra but STUNG BY A WASP?? gimme a break - it's not even a zoo animal!! and how many times did I change the hummingbird nectar and totally ignored the yellowjackets that crawled all over me during the process??

Incidentally, my last hummer visit was Sept 1, are yours still around Meghan? I'm still hoping to get lucky with the last of the resident hummers at Rosetta!
On a serious note I think that anyone who spends lots of time in the 'wild' should probably be tested for sensitivity to insect bites but that's another story.
My wife has a ladies club meeting on Thursday so I may make it to Oakbank between noon and 2pm but in the meantime I'll just admire all the great stuff posted by you and BoBoBird.