I keep seeing this unkept skinny oriental guy hopping the fence into the lower pond of springbank road. I have talked to some of the workers there and I was told they think he is looking for turtles to eat. Some Turtles in Ontario are starting to become endangered. It makes me mad when I see him. I thought it was trespassing to hop the fences around the ponds and harass the wildlife. There is also the fact that if he hurts himself or dies is it going to affect services at the park. Will it raise costs and reduce services?? I have seen remants of fires and roasting spits?? in the park. I guess I really do not want to know what people are doing to the wildlife after dark in the park. I guess I just do not know what I should do. Should I just ignore him or what. I guess it is upsetting to think of all the photo opportunties I am missing because people are killing all the wildlife before I get to photograph it.