Most recent Presqu'ile Birding report: Just in case of confusion I am not Fred, just copied and pasted from OntBirds.
Fred Helleiner Thu, 03 Jan 2013 17:18:16 -0800
Well over 50 species of birds have been seen in Presqu’ile Provincial Park in
the first three days of the new year, with only a handful of birders accounting
for those.
One of the highlights was a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE that spent the day
between Salt Point and the lighthouse on December 31. Active waterfowl hunting
on January 1 in the area where it was last seen may explain why it has not been
seen since. Close to 500 MUTE SWANS and a few each of TRUMPETER SWANS (up to
6) and TUNDRA SWANS (up to 10) have been in Presqu’ile Bay before it froze over
completely last night. A few of the latter were near the lighthouse this
afternoon. Two NORTHERN PINTAILS were off Gull Island on January 1. The first
CANVASBACKS of the season showed up on December 28 and a few have been seen on
subsequent days, including two near the lighthouse this afternoon. Large
numbers of REDHEADS are present there. Up to 40 WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS have also
been in Presqu’ile Bay. A male BARROW’S GOLDENEYE has been near the lighthouse
for the past 12 days. A loon that was tentatively identified as a COMMON LOON
was spotted briefly in Presqu’ile Bay on January 1 before it dove and could not
be found again.
At least two BALD EAGLES have been seen regularly this week, an adult and an
immature. Other hawks were a NORTHERN HARRIER at Gull Island and another
NORTHERN HARRIER and a ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK, apparently in migration mode as they
hurried westward together across the middle of Presqu’ile Bay on December 30,
as well as a SHARP-SHINNED HAWK and a male NORTHERN GOSHAWK on Bayshore Road.
Two AMERICAN COOTS have been consorting with a mixed flock of GREATER SCAUP and
REDHEADS in Presqu’ile Bay for much of the past week. Not surprisingly,
shorebirds have almost all left, but on December 28 a birder on Gull Island
spoke to someone who had seen two “sandpipers” that were not identified as to
species, and an anonymous report of a DUNLIN on January 1 would be nearly an
all-time late date. Single ICELAND GULLS in two different plumages were on the
ice of Presqu’ile Bay this week.
The latest SNOWY OWL sighting was of one on the ice of Presqu’ile Bay
yesterday. A BARRED OWL was seen and photographed on Paxton Drive.
RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS were in the vicinity of Langton Avenue on two
consecutive days. PILEATED WOODPECKERS are not vocal these days and are
therefore difficult to find, but one was posing cooperatively along Paxton
Drive. Yesterday morning a PEREGRINE FALCON appeared twice within an hour off
Salt Point, on one visit sitting close to an adult BALD EAGLE. NORTHERN
SHRIKES are normally regular in the Park in winter, but since November have
been seen only on the Christmas Bird Count. A COMMON RAVEN was first heard and
then seen yesterday.
A reported sighting of a HORNED LARK on January 1 without details of its
location was likely on Gull Island. A HERMIT THRUSH on December 28 was in
exactly the same location as one that was seen on December 11. Since
mid-December, the only AMERICAN ROBIN seen was a single bird on January 2,
normally a fairly common wintering bird in the Park. BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS, having
cleaned out most of their favourite berries, have largely disappeared in the
past fortnight, but a flock of ten was near the bird sightings board on January
1. A big surprise on January 2 was a FIELD SPARROW that fed for a few minutes
on a patch of grass that had been swept clear of snow by the wind. A
WHITE-THROATED SPARROW is a daily visitor to the feeders at 186 Bayshore Road.
Flocks of SNOW BUNTINGS are regularly being seen. The winter finch population
continues to be of interest. A flock of eight PINE GROSBEAKS keeps appearing
from time to time between Lilac Lane and Paxton Drive. A single WHITE-WINGED
CROSSBILL stopped briefly near the Park entrance. COMMON REDPOLLS are
ubiquitous, and at least one HOARY REDPOLL has been among those patronizing
the feeders at 186 Bayshore Road.
To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton.
Locations within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid
that is available at the Park gate. Visitors to Gull “Island” can walk across
the gap without special footwear. Ice conditions may make for slippery walking.
Birders are encouraged to
record their observations on the bird sightings board provided near the
campground office by The Friends of Presqu'ile Park and to fill out a
rare bird report for species not listed there.