Peregrine Falcons in West End
Outdoor Ontario

Peregrine Falcons in West End

BC · 2 · 1651


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Last night we enjoyed a BBQ with friends on their rooftop patio in the Bloor/Lansdowne area. They have an excellent view of the Tower Automotive building which Peregrine Falcons have been using as a perch and a cache for food all summer. Our friends haven't seen a nest.
We saw two birds. One was eating on the north side of the Tower building until it picked up the probable pigeon carcass and moved it to the east side, where it continued it's meal. Eventually, it flew over to the twin highrises at Lansdowne and Dupont where it met the second bird. We observed both birds for over an hour. Also, Chimney Swifts and, at dusk, Common Nighthawks appeared.
Tower Automotive is on Stirling, which is west of Lansdowne between Bloor West and Dundas West.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BC »

David the park stroller

  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 100
Yes I think that's what I've seen too.  I'm at Bloor/Dovercourt and the falcons have been feasting on pigeons here. They have been moving too fast for a firm sighting!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by David the park stroller »
Back into birds after many years away!