Yesterday was a glorious Winter day, weather wise and for birding. We spent most of the day outside and encountered so much wildlife, too many to mention. However, here are a few of our high moments... Enjoy.
Common Merganser Male - James Gardens 2013-02-06 - Gorgeous bird!
Common Merganser Male and Females - James Gardens 2013-02-06
American Kestrel - James Gardens 2013-02-06
Purple Finch/House Finch? - James Gardens 2013-02-06
Red-tailed Hawk - Lambton Park 2013-02-06 - While driving to Humber Bay, my wife spotted this guy.
Pied-billed Grebe No.1 - Humber Bay Park East 2013-02-06
Pied-billed Grebe No.2 - Humber Bay Park East 2013-02-06 - Very cute
Red-breasted Merganser - Humber Bay Park East 2013-02-06 - Great to see this guy again.
Red-tailed Hawk - Humber Bay Park East 2013-02-06 - This is the best I can do with this one. He was way up there with two others.
Thx for looking