What is the problem with the dogs at Lambton Woods
There is no problems with the dogs. The problem is with their
Lambton Woods is a special area, with a lot of bushes a lot of wetlands and a lot of wildlife using this area as their home.
People visiting that area, should respect it and not disturb the wildlife of it.
Dogs shouldn't run freely looking for adventure, and should be leashed
all the time.
The nature of a dog is to answer the nature's call, whatever it can be in the given moment.
Dog - is a dog. And the dog owners should realize that all the time. They should control their dogs, keeping them close, on-the-leash!
They should also clean after them, and because there are many kids in the park - the dogs should also be muzzled.
There are areas in Toronto and outside the city where the wildlife present is much less significant then in Lambton Woods, and where park rules - let the dogs run free. Why do the dogs owners not take care about their dogs well being there ??
Solution to this problem:
There should be signs at the parking lot, at the trails entrances and along the trails remaining the dog owners to keep their dogs leashed.
That's my two cents about the problem.