You had a good day -- great shots -- thanks for sharing.
all excellant captures well done
Cheers guys!
Good job Palo. See once you finished tripping over the Raptors and got out a little, you got to see some nice ducks.
I still really like the Raptors dude!
Thx Rotarren, you helped me locate a couple of those fancy ducks.
May I ask what camera you use...your pictures are great!
Thx Blue. Since I recently started photography (last Fall), I didn't want to commit to the price of a full frame quite as yet. So I purchased a Nikon D5100 and a 18-200mm walk-about lens. Then last month, I got my wife's 70-300mm as a hand-me-down, which i've been using since. My in camera, Picture Control settings are on "Vivid" with the sharpness up two notches.
I've also been taking the advise of (a member from this board) and have been experimenting with my shutter speed, keeping it to at least 1/1000 sec and raising my ISO sometimes to as high as 2000. Any higher on this camera, the noise becomes unbearable for me.
However, my photos pale in comparison to some of the other members here, that are packing FX cameras and pro lenses, with many years of know-how behind them. I just get lucky sometimes.