but why not have a dog-free park in more ecologically-sensitive parks? and, in my opinion, between the nesting trees for BCNH, the snowy owl in the winter and the grebes, Sam Smith falls under that category.
i should also add, tongue in cheek, that we should perhaps have an idiot-free park as well. yesterday, at SS, i witnessed:
-a couple leave their truck without a dog or a camera. kind of thought it was strange. later, saw her in the tall grass, removing her pants. not sure if they were having sex or just taking nude photos, but it was strange
-an older lady in sweat pants walking her two (off-leash) dogs, with garden shears, cutting branches of pussy willows off. each branch was 3 feet long. i attempted to politely say something to her. she said "no no, it's spring. it's fine to cut these." i walked away and googled "pussy willow" and they are spring bloomers. she was cutting off live, not dead, plants.
so i walked up to her again and said "please don't cut off live branches. you don't have the authority." she replied "this is my park. i've lived here for 20 years. i can cut them. those plants need to be taken care off." at this point, i lost it, told her i'd call the cops (she was not listening to anything i was saying) and launched a few choice words in her general direction.