Hi Folks,
Once again, work is taking up almost all of my birding time and getting here has been difficult. However, I've been sneaking out for an hour here and there. And here are some moments I thought were interesting, in chronological order.
Black-crowned Night-Heron 2013-03-21 DVP and Queen Street - A first for me.
Thx Rotarren! I have to go back on a better day.
Red-tailed Hawk 2013-03-22 Downsview Park - That day I photographed three RTH up close... Great place.
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2013-03-23 James Gardens
Ring-billed Gull 2013-03-24 Col Sam Smith Park
Red-necked Grebe 2013-03-24 Col Sam Smith Park - This was the closest I got to him.
Mute Swam 2013-03-25 Ashbridges Bay Park
Red-tailed Hawk 2013-03-26 Downsview Park - Again, a great place for Hawks.
Barred Owl 2013-03-27 Halls Rd - A first for me.
Cedar Waxwing 2013-03-27 Halls Rd - Another first for me.
This one came right next to my feet to have a drink... Very friendly.
And last but not least...
Brown-headed Cowbird 2013-03-27 Halls Rd - Also another first for me.
Thx for watching