Hi folks, here are the new species I photographed this week with a huge help from Rotarren. Thx dude!
Most of these birds were far off and their images aren't great, but at least I can scratch them off my list. Enjoy
Ring-necked Duck - 2013-03-30 Morningside Heights
Killdeer - 2013-03-30 Humber Bay West - This was very close.
Northern Shoveler - 2013-03-30 Col. Sam Smith Park
Harlequin Duck - 2013-03-30 Col. Sam Smith Park - This was really far away, I could not even spot it without the binoculars.
Double-crested Cormorant - 2013-04-02 Mouth of Humber River near High Park
Here are some bonus shots that I enjoyed taking.
Mockingbird - 2013-03-30 Morningside Heights
Pied-billed Grebe - 2013-04-02 Humber Bay East - I had to hide in the bushes and wait for him to get close.
Ruddy Ducks - 2013-04-02 Humber Bay East - A bunch of them are hiding out behind the man-made islands on the east side.
Thx for watching