Leslie Spit Speed Bumps
Outdoor Ontario

Leslie Spit Speed Bumps

Trillian Flummox

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I was alarmed today to read the following article about the speed bumps at the Leslie Spit:  http://www.insidetoronto.com/news-story/2501292-trying-to-smooth-out-speed-bumps-in-tommy-thompson-park/

My local Councillor Paula Fletcher is apparently trying to have the speed bumps reduced in response to complaints from cyclists.  Even with the new bumps I am still alarmed by the excessive speeds of the hardcore cyclists out there and would hate to see them removed or reduced.  I've sent an email to Ms. Fletcher asking her to consult other park users and hopefully reconsider her position. If anyone else shares my concern, you can email her at:  councillor_fletcher@toronto.ca

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I am 100% for the removal of those bumps.
last year, i witnessed a middle-aged woman who broke her arm after wiping out while biking and losing her balance on the speed bump.
i bike to/through the Spit. tough to request a biking speed limit, since most of us don't have odometers on our bikes. the speed bumps cause a deceleration for 10 seconds, nothing more. must an annoyance.

not sure what the solution is. probably dedicated bike and walking lanes? do we want bikes going through there when caterpillars are slinking across the path? who knows. but those speed bumps are a hazard and i want them gone. proper biking and walking etiquette would solve most problems.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Trillian Flummox

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'Tis ever thus: the sins of the few spoil it for everybody else.  A quick google shows me that this is a hot topic with some strong arguments for both sides of the issue. I don't bike out there as often as I walk, but my son and I have had no trouble with the bumps. However, I suppose if you were distracted or miscalculated the size? Anyway, must have been awful to witness that poor woman's accident!  

Here's one of my own bad experiences:  I was walking out there alone early one morning, more or less in the centre of the road to avoid the puddles. The road was wide and empty except for myself and a lone cyclist, dressed in expensive racing gear, heading towards me. He was clearly looking right at me as he rode straight toward me. I wasn't sure which way to jump so I just froze in place. He brushed by within inches of me and snorted like a pig. I'm sure he enjoyed a good giggle at his own joke, but it left me shaking. What if I had tried to get out of his way and jumped in the wrong direction? So I suppose you can guess that I'm a bit biased against the speed demons. And yes, I know that the speed bumps are not a cure for jerks like that!   :cry:

I hope someone finds a better solution that will satisfy the safety concerns of both sides. A fact sheet from the TRCA refers to "11 incidents involving bikes in 2011" before the installation of the bumps, but it doesn't elaborate on the type of "incident". I wonder how the statistics have changed now? Maybe more people are being hurt by the bumps?  With the eventual end of the dumping and the park opening 7 days a week, I'm sure the issue will need to be resolved soon.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Bluffs Birder

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Over the years I've learned to stay off the main road as much as possible while I'm birding the Spit.  It just gets way too busy with cyclists, joggers, walkers, etc. once spring arrives.  I also find that I have better luck finding birds along the trails.  I think that there is more than enough room for everyone to enjoy the Spit for whatever reason they choose but cycling at high speed should be dealt with.  In a time when there were far less people, I too was a Speed Demon of the Spit and long before the speed bumps but I'm much much slower now of course.

Unfortunately, I think the only way that they'll ever slow the cyclists down is to place the speed bumps about 50 feet apart.

Walter  :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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it is the old debate about cyclists. me, being a cyclist (and, hopefully, as of this summer, I will be using my bike to commute to work) and a driver AND a hiker AND a birder, i get frustrated by everyone.

i was talking to Ed (some of you know who he is) at the Spit and was standing near the toll booth. lots of room on both sides. a biker bikes by and growls "Get the fuck out of the way!" yep, just standing there. and he biked (easily) past us. some people, regardless of their form of transportation, are just mentally unstable. what can you do?

then there are the walkers. nothing beats biking and having a family of 4 walking in a row, letting their infant run around haphazardly. you have to swerve left (into oncoming walkers or bikers or joggers) because people don't use common sense.  so should we ban families?

i've had a biking accident at the spit. i was biking across the red bridge 3 years ago, going about 3 km/hr. probably slower than a walker. my camera backpack shifted as i was about to hit one of the bridge's hindges. my weight and balance shifted and i fell off my bike. broke my 80-400 mm lens. really banged my knee up. and that was without a speed bump (of sorts).

and it is what walter says: better birding on the side paths. i've never had many issues with bikers when i've hiked the spit. i've had issues with walkers when i've biked the spit. so what can i say?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Quote from: "mr.sharp-photo"
it is the old debate about cyclists. me, being a cyclist (and, hopefully, as of this summer, I will be using my bike to commute to work) and a driver AND a hiker AND a birder, i get frustrated by everyone.

i was talking to Ed (some of you know who he is) at the Spit and was standing near the toll booth. lots of room on both sides. a biker bikes by and growls "Get the fuck out of the way!" yep, just standing there. and he biked (easily) past us. some people, regardless of their form of transportation, are just mentally unstable. what can you do?

then there are the walkers. nothing beats biking and having a family of 4 walking in a row, letting their infant run around haphazardly. you have to swerve left (into oncoming walkers or bikers or joggers) because people don't use common sense.  so should we ban families?

i've had a biking accident at the spit. i was biking across the red bridge 3 years ago, going about 3 km/hr. probably slower than a walker. my camera backpack shifted as i was about to hit one of the bridge's hindges. my weight and balance shifted and i fell off my bike. broke my 80-400 mm lens. really banged my knee up. and that was without a speed bump (of sorts).

and it is what walter says: better birding on the side paths. i've never had many issues with bikers when i've hiked the spit. i've had issues with walkers when i've biked the spit. so what can i say?

Hi Richard

I'll ask you as you seem to go there alot, is the split open during the week. I see a number of posts lately about people going out there during the week. I know it used to be off limits as they were working with big trucks but that might of changed, not that I am planning on going as I have to work during the week but just curious

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Officially, the entire park is off-limits except during the posted times on weekends/holidays (excepting the yacht club members, birds banders, etc.). It usually isn't a concern if you stay in the wet woods and well away from the main road, at least during dumping hours, and you will definitely see people there in the evenings after the port authority has left, but it still technically isn't allowed.

I'm definitely in favour of leaving the speed bumps as they are. Just because they don't stop all speeders doesn't mean they should be removed. I've seen enough flattened snakes at the side of the main road... and if people are uncomfortable taking the speed bumps at the speed they're going, maybe they ought to slow down. (There's also a sign right by the footbridge bridge asking cyclists to dismount before crossing.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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i've had a biking accident at the spit. i was biking across the red bridge 3 years ago, going about 3 km/hr. probably slower than a walker. my camera backpack shifted as i was about to hit one of the bridge's hindges. my weight and balance shifted and i fell off my bike. broke my 80-400 mm lens. really banged my knee up. and that was without a speed bump (of sorts).

I ride my bike there a lot in the summer, the speed bumps are for vehicles that have access during the day and weekends.
I'm just wondering.................Isn't there a sign posted at each end of the bridge that says "Cyclist Dismount and Walk"?
I think its there for your safety and the safety of others. Plus it'a a floating bridge, very unstable when you ride your bike across.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »