After 2 visits from a Toronto Wildlife Officer, I've been forced to remove all my birdfeeders.... The neighbours have complained about the number of pigeons that visited my yard and their roofs, cadging any fallen food from the feeders, also the raccoons at night and the squirels by day etc.
They claimed there were dead birds in my yard (not true!) - perhaps in their yards? They should be looking at the free-roaming housecats for that problem...
I had all the available 'guards' in place to deter unwanted eaters and even 'locked' the feeders at night.
Boy, are things quiet now! I miss my fur and feathered friends and wish the neighbours would be more understanding.
On a happier note, I had a nuthatch and a veery over the past few days so all is not lost. I guess having plenty of trees means that some visitors will pass thro'. Also keeping the water provides some invitation.
Thanks for listening to my mini-rant. My little North Toronto oasis is no more....