Hi Folks, photos from Ashbridge’s Bay Park were from a couple of days ago and Col Sam Smith Park photos are from today. Thx to Rotarren, guiding me to Ashbridge’s, it was very impressive... lots of species within an hour.
Today at Col Sam's, I met so many wonderful birders that helped me identify the birds below. Thx everyone!
Here are the birds that made my day, of which most are firsts for me.
Winter Wren 2013-04-30 Ashbridge’s Bay Park - Not new, but can't resist them.
Besides, he's like most of us... sitting on the fence.
Palm Warbler 2013-04-30 Ashbridge’s Bay Park
Eastern Towhee 2013-04-30 Ashbridge’s Bay Park
Brown Thrusher 2013-04-30 Ashbridge’s Bay Park - Still can't catch this guy out of the bushes.
Hermit Thrush 2013-04-30 Ashbridge’s Bay Park
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 2013-05-02 Col Sam Smith Park
Black-and-white Warbler 2013-05-02 Col Sam Smith Park - This is the only shot I have of this guy. Too high up!
Red-bellied Woodpecker 2013-05-02 Col Sam Smith Park - Not new, but it's first time I've seen it in this park, this year.
Warbling Vireo 2013-05-02 Col Sam Smith Park
Yellow Warbler 2013-05-02 Col Sam Smith Park
Thx for watching