The beak doesn't look like a House Finch to me (I'm viewing this from my mobile, small screen). And regarding the Finch disease, being a participant with Project Feederwatch for a number of years now; I believe its only an eye disease they get (we are asked if any House Finches are seen with the disease) which is nasty, and fatal as the crust builds over the eyes. I had a female one here a few years back with the eye disease and it was sad to watch her fumble around the feeder, trying to land on a perch to feed (she could barely see). A Sharp-shinned Hawk got her later in the day which was a nice quick death compared to eventual blindness and starving to death. I took down all my feeders, dumped the seed, and washed them all with a bleach mix to stop the spread.
This bird looks like a Redpoll to me from my small screen and no way is that the House Finch eye disease I am familiar with. No idea what the heck is up with this bird. Are you still seeing it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A birth certificate shows we were born. A death certificate shows we died. Pictures show we live.