What a difference from the past two years when all I saw were females from dawn to dusk. I had a couple for a few weeks starting in late May but they have all but disappeared; now I may see one or two a week but that's all. Hopefully things will pick up in July and August after all the young have fledged, but...
Mad Max (my regular male) still comes around every day, tho not too often until twilight when he feeds frequently until well after sunset. He has a few favorite perches that he always spends time on before going to the feeder so I have time to set up with my camera before he arrives. I'm still playing around with my SX50, taking both stills and videos, and we just bought a 'smart' tv so I put the files directly on a flash drive because the tv has built-in software for playing the videos (MUCH easier than having to hook up the computer btw!). Boy, does he look fearsome on the big screen, not!
So Meghan, Richard and anyone else with hummingbird feeders - what's happening, are they around , etc.?