Today was a decent day to be at Hawk Hill in High Park as we ( the very few who were there ) got to see 200 plus Raptors including 5 Golden Eagles, all fairly low and just above the hill. We also had a visit of about 30 Eastern Blue birds on the hill. At one time we were graced by these beautiful birds with 2o birds all around us and close up. All told we saw 53 Eastern Bluebirds as well as A. Pipits and 500 Red-winged Blackbirds,etc. as they flew west over the hill.
A Cool NW wind blew all day but the bird sightings warmed us up some what.
High Park is located in the west end of Toronto and is bounded on the south by The Queensway, the north by Bloor Street and on the east by Parkside Drive.
To reach High Park you can take the TTC Subway to the High Park Station or the Queen Street Streetcar #501 to either the Parkside Drive or the Colborne Lodge Drive streetcar stops or you may drive in from High Park Avenue at the north end of the park.
Hawk Hill is east of or right beside the Grenedier Restaurant (about halfway into the park) which is south of the soccer field. If you can not find the hill for the trees then you can enquire at the restaurant as to the location as almost everyone is aware of the goings on up there now.
There is always someone on the hill from Sep. 1st to around Nov. 30th.
Best days are days with a good NW or N wind and if a cold front comes along with those winds after a rainy day then you should see lots of Raptors (No Guarantees).