Can't have enough of Ospreys
Outdoor Ontario

Can't have enough of Ospreys


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Went to Thornhill Oakbank pond twice today and both times I was lucky enough to capture a few shots of the Ospreys.
In the morning I saw a Tern giving Osprey a chase.

In the afternoon I saw this one catching a fish after one failure.

And this one went home hungry after hovering around for 30 mins and not able to catch a single one.
Thanks BoboBird for enticing the Ospreys close to where we were.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 09:51:53 AM by Dinusaur »


  • Old Timer
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Nice shots and great to meet you at the pond.

Btw, I did not do anything to entice the bird. Trying to entice the fish to come up was entirely an exercise to help all those new "tourists", normally I do not even do that.

Fish did not take the bait :( so trick not working.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »