Evil ruby-throated hummingbird
Outdoor Ontario

Evil ruby-throated hummingbird

Guest · 3 · 1226


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hummingbird by mr.sharp-photo, on Flickr

She definitely doesn't like people. Went yesterday and she was feeding, saw me and left. Refused to come down for 90 minutes.

Today, I get to the jewelweed and within a minute, she comes and hovers 7 feet away from me and STARES at me for 10 seconds. Clearly looking at me. She landed on a branch for 10 seconds, then flew away. She refused to feed for 90 minutes.

Think I've given up on her.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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You gotta get them used to your presence! Yesterday I was standing about a foot from the feeder to get a good angle on a perched bird and before I could get a shot he (a young male!) came over for a long drink. Of course he went to an opposite flower but at least he tolerated me! I think things are winding down but I've still two or three young hummers around, and yesterday one of them did the 'flying back and forth thing' (courtship dance?) after chasing another bird into the trees -  boy, they sure start young!

Nice shot but I don't think she has an evil feather on her body! :)

Btw, where's the jewelweed you're referring to?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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One time I noticed a female RT Hummingbird taking an exception with a Carolina Wren.  It must have been one of the cutest fights in history...two of the smallest birds one could find just not getting along for whatever reason.  It was a lot of huff and puff but after a few seconds both went their own way.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Today is a good day to bird!