Bald Eagles - Rosetta McClain Gardens, Toronto
Outdoor Ontario

Bald Eagles - Rosetta McClain Gardens, Toronto

Bluffs Birder

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On a day where nothing else made a whole lot of sense, we counted an amazing 27 Bald Eagles at the RMG Raptor Watch.  At 1:45 PM we watched as 12 flew over the north end of the park one after the other.  Later at 3:04 PM another 6 flew overhead together.

All birds were high in the sky today but beautiful to see.

Walter :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Trillian Flummox

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Seriously? I think I left at 1:44 pm.   :P  
Congratulations on the record!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Trillian Flummox

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You should definitely go! It's a very casual and very friendly atmosphere - everyone is always welcome. I try to stop by once or twice a week myself and find it very relaxing. It's also a great way to learn how to identify raptors. If you want to be helpful, don't worry about trying to identify birds and try not to count out loud (it can cause confusion). Just tell the group when you see a potential raptor coming and do your best to describe the location (eg: over the lake, over the poplar tree, over Kingston road, etc). You'll get the hang of it as you listen to the group. Looks like a mild North wind for the next few days so there should be a few good birds to see. You just never know what will fly by at Rosetta! Peak times are generally between 10 and 2, but birders (and birds) come and go all day. Also, be sure to dress warmly - you'd be surprised how cold you can get just standing around beside the cliffs.



here's the link to the website:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Trillian Flummox

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Ooops!  :oops:  No don't keep quiet - I didn't mean it quite that way! It's fun to join in and call out birds. I just meant don't worry if you're not sure of each species - someone will be happy to tell you if they know. And we all make mistakes sometimes anyway - we have a good giggle when we get excited over pigeons and seagulls by mistake! A visit to Rosetta is meant to be fun!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »