I apologize Thomas for dismissing your ID of this bird. I am including a much better photo of what I believe is the same bird. The tail points to Cooper's as mentioned.
Having said that, I am still certain I saw a goshawk last week. At one point I saw three hawks acting excitedly. The vocalizations of one of them indicated to me goshawk. I listened to many recordings and it was a clear match. I am very familiar with the vocalizations of Cooper's Hawks since I have been living with them for years.
This is the most unusual Cooper's Hawk I have ever encountered for several reasons:
a) It is stoic and unafraid of humans. I photographed it this morning then went for a coffee. I came back more than an hour later and it hadn't moved.
b) The other birds are not afraid of it and carry on their business within a few meters of the hawk. I am accustomed to seeing them flee or freeze when a Cooper's Hawk flies in.
c) The Blue Jays squawked at it for about 10 second and then lost interest.
d) I could barley fit it in the camera viewfinder and it seemed bored with me. It must be the largest Cooper's I have seen.
Thank you all for your input and knowledge.