Toronto's Bird Population is in Danger
by rocklakemama ยป Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:33 pm
Hello, was wondering if you would please watch and share the link above (a very short and very informative Youtube video of a city council meeting regarding the effects on bird populations of a waterfront airport expansion in Toronto).
If for no other reason, Toronto waterfront's Billy Bishop Airport should not allow jets to land because of the devastating effects such a change will have on the local and migrating bird populations. The video clearly explains how important the area is to birds migrating north and south across the Great Lakes; that the jet planes are more dangerous to birds, and vice versa; and that the Toronto Port Authority will eventually begin controlling the bird population on the Toronto Islands and Tommy Thompson park across the harbour by CULLING POPULATIONS AND TAMPERING WITH BIRD ENVIRONMENTS, which will affect resident water birds as well as environments for transient song birds migrating through the area.
Please contact to show your support for saving the complex ecosystem that is Toronto's waterfront.
Anything you can do to bring this issue to the attention of other birders and those who care about our green spaces and waterways is greatly appreciated.