Took some time off of work and went to Downsview Park today after lunch. Overcast sky and wind made it a bit cooler than it was supposed to be. Saw a plenty of red-tailed hawks, killdeer, ravens, blackbirds, robins, horned lark, a tree sparrow and a northern mockingbird and of course Canada geese. Interestingly no Kestrel. May be the competition from RTHs drove them away. Here are some shots taken today.
1. Red-tailed Hawk. Usually the RTHs in Downsview park are very skittish; this one seems to ignore my presence and landed on a nearby lamp post and then on to the ground in search of something.

2. Killdeer - one could hear and see them all over the park.

3. Common Raven - they were together with a large flock of blackbirds and scavenging the leftovers from RTHs I think.

4. Northern Mockingbird

5. A flock of blackbirds, there were some Grackles in there too.