My husband, Big Frank and I went to look for the owl again at Stoney Creek. It was second-time lucky. The bird was not far from the road and gave us good looks. It perched or flew from tree to tree, with high-pitched chattering. There were a few other birders there, but I'm happy to report nobody was feeding or harassing the bird. One warning-a CPR representative was checking the tracks and told us that people on the tracks are trespassing and could be fined $5000.
On the way there and back from Toronto, we saw Red-tailed Hawks (too numerous to count), a few Kestrels and a surprise sighting of a juvenile Bald Eagle. It flew up as we were travelling over the Burlington Skyway Bridge and then dipped down to avoid some gulls, which were harassing it.
We popped over to Walker's Line to see the Pine Grosbeaks. There were lots of them feeding in the fruit trees. They were quite tolerant and let us get some close looks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Leslie Kinrys »
The bird lady of the tower.