No males for several days but I had them into September last year so I expect to see migrants for 1 or 2 visits at a time. I wonder if the same birds that stopped on their way north will show up while heading south? Anyway, I got tired of shooting the hummers on their favorite perch (cluttered background, etc.) so I clipped off the twig in hopes that they would move to the branch that Mad Max used when he was here. Boy, are birds ever creatures of habit! I watched for about half an hour while bird after bird came in and hovered in the spot where the twig used to be before giving up and heading up into the trees or going to the feeder!

I finally went out and stripped another twig (about a foot from the old one) and things seem back to normal - the hummers are perching once again and I am heading out to do some shooting. The wasps are still around but their numbers haven't increased so I am holding off putting up the trap, for now anyway...