I was part of the hack/release team at Pharmacy and Eglinton,the 4 birds we raised all migrated this fall. The 2 that were around the water tower at Warden and Eglinton,have taken to the Pharmacy area building and the female fancies the flagpole at the Super Centre where the huge Canadian flag used to fly. From her band we know she is from Rochester New York,the Kodak building,her name is Linn. The male we know is from the US but so far not been able to ascertain its band number for 100% ID. Linn has been seen defending the area,chasing off 2 Redtailed Hawks which live in the area. She had a very full crop when we saw her on Sunday,and was still busy terrorizing the local pigeon population. I encourage birders with extra time to volunteer at a Peregrine Falcon Fledgling Watch,this summer. U get a great chance to view the birds,learn and make a difference.