Since May 6th when the first male Hummer was sighted at our feeder ,there have been two males for sure and at least one female. The boys have been doing their figure 8s to impress her.
Last Friday afternoon we had 4 or 5 male and 2 femail Rosebreasted Grosbeaks .
We've also seen Blackburnian, Nashville, Baybrested warblers and Kinglets
The White-throated and White-crowned sparrows were around for a few days, but haven't seem then today.
The male Cardinal has been courting her lady by feeding her. We also have lots of House sparrows, House Finches and Gold finches. Of course Downey and Hairy woodpeckers as well. White and red-breasted nuthatches are also frequent visitors.
Grackels, Brown headed cowbirds, Mourning Doves and Red-winged Blackbirds also enjoy the seeds at the feeders.
We are in Clarkson and have a lot of trees and bushes in our yard. We are very fortunate to have such variety.
"If you feed them , they will come." ... Happy spring birding everyone.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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