Interesting experience
Outdoor Ontario

Interesting experience

Napper · 8 · 15501


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Saturday evening I took my two youngest children for a little walk near our house.  We all had a very interesting experience with some or should I say a whole lot of Swallows.   As we stood there  near the  water,  twenty or more swallows swooped, dived and generally tore about the sky. Some comming so close they seemed within grasp.  I didn't bring the camera because it is  pointless.

Spotted, Barn, Tree, Rough Winged and what looked like Cliff Swallows with their  tan/cinnamom colours on top near  their tail feather (rumps).  Are there Cave

Swallows around? I noticed that their range is well south....

Has anyone succesfully imaged a Swallow in flight?.  they never fly in a straight line. Argh....... Napper  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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We have alot of swallows behind our house and in the field west of Duffins Creek Marsh I saw a ton on Sunday, mostly tree and barn (I think). Ive tried to get them with the XT and 100-400 but with minimal luck and I do mean minimal, the XT just doesn't AF fast enough.

If you goto fredmiranda's site, Jody Melanson ( he's posted on the oldlboard) has some simply awesome swallow in flight shots. Look for any of his threads, it's well worth the time.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2011, 12:58:04 AM by Wulff »


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I had a good look at the photo's  of "Jody Melanson"

only one comment is warranted  and that is  "wow"!!!!!

The person known as "Jody Melanson" has a few interesting shots at the the "OFO  site" aswell...


 :o ... ocetjm.jpg

again wow!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?

Kin Lau

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Jody posts here as well. Yes, those flying swallow shots are quite something.

For the rest of us mere mortals :), one way to shoot swallows, is to find a nest box (plenty around), setup with a tripod and pre-focus in Manual Focus mode. The swallows will typically hover a bit before coming into the nest, so just wait, and fire away.

If you pick a windy day, you might even catch them in a glide.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Kin Lau »


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Obviously Jody is highly skilled and with the right equipments. 8)  I met Jody again last weekend in Thickson’s Wood with his camera setup; Canon 1D MarkII N, EF 300mmL plus EF 1.4X II or is it the EF 400mmL, BushHawk shoulder mount, 580EX flash with the Better Beamer Flash Extender and a monopod from the BushHawk that is located into the front of his belt by a cellphone holder. I will say that’s the ultimate setup for flight shots and most photographers are handicapped without it.

I think most can also learn from him, his patient and being out there is what an outdoors photographer needs if he is to be successful and with Jody, he is also intelligent :idea: and he have some tricks to get the birds going to him, right Jody?

The Swallow and Snow Bunting shots are excellent but the Snowy Owl shots are better still.  Napper is right,  :arrow:  WOW………
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tommy »


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Ive seen him in Thicksons. Next time I see him I'll say hi if for no ther reason than to compliment his work personally, I always thourughly enjoy any series he post. He uses the  400L 5.6 and 1.4 tc and as you mentioned the bushhawk.

 Im toying with adding a 1.4tc for my 100-400L but am not sure do to af reasons and may go for tubes first for backyard, close in shooting but the call  for more reach is strong ;)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2011, 12:58:14 AM by Wulff »


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The 100-400L with the Canon EF 1.4X II will not Auto Focus with a 300D/ XT/ 20D/ 30D body :cry: . But it will Auto Focus with the 1D or 1Ds body :D .
A tip is to use a Tamron 1.4X TC (the cheaper TC and NOT the Pro Version). The 300D/ XT/ 20D/ 30D will Auto Focus with the Tamron TC and it still stop down from f/5.6 to f/6.3, a tip given to me by Scott C. It works for both the 400mmL and the 100-400mmL on 300D/ XT/ 20D/ 30D body.
Hope the tip is helpful for you. 8)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tommy »


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Thanks Tommy.

I tried a Canon with taped pins at my nearest retailers and it worked,.......but barely. Ive been digging around with regards to the non pro Tamron and have only seen it mentioned in conjunction with the 100-400L once.  As its a special order and not carried in stock theres no opportunity to test it anywhere and  hence my hesitation.

As long as it works, I wont mind some hunting as I plan on using it selectively for shore birds and long ranged perched birds. Perfect example is Second Marsh, Duffins Marsh and the fields around Halls road. A working TC that I can switch in for a bit shouldnt hurt and get me the range I need in those situations. Then switch it out when I move or want to target some in flight birds.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Wulff »