Hi everyone,
Thanks to Ian and Angelicque for describing the whereabouts of the Bald Eagle on the spit... I went out yesterday and managed to find it... I got lucky and spotted him near the end of the first cormorant nesting area....no good pictures unfortunately, he was in a tree a would not permit me to get close enough with my medium quality camera. Also spotted the usual range of ducks, an American Pipit (I thought they had gone by now), a Northern Harrier, A rough legged hawk (I am not 100% on this one), some red tails and kestrels, and an adult peregrine falcon. The Falcon was seen being harassed by a Kestrel in flight and then I tracked him to the tall tree on the south side of the red bridge where he was quite content to sit while I took pictures... unfortunately they are very dark since the sun was behind him at that point.
Anyways, thanks again guys!