Idiots at Humber Bay East
Outdoor Ontario

Idiots at Humber Bay East


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Hi Everyone, [rant mode on]

I just returned from Humber Bay East with a disturbing story.  Some of you may know Mary, she is the woman responsible for the Red Necked Grebe nests in the park!  She told me a story of some fishermen who are trying to SNAG the Grebe with a fishing line!!!  Another women, Irene, actually stopped one clown from hurting the Grebe on the nest.

More disturbing..... see the attached images, there is a Cormorant one of this nut jobs managed to snag and broke it's wing!  This birds is now doomed to suffer a slow death.  

I am outraged by this.  If you are too, please do the following:

1) Call 311 and let them know you are outraged by these fishermen in Humber Bay East and you want it stopped.
2) Write to the Editor of the Toronto Star and let him know how you feel

3) If anyone is an expert on if this is a criminal act or knows the proper authority to call, please act accordingly and let them know.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Brian Bailey

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Well, I'm dismayed, saddened, angered, but not shocked.  There are just too many idiots out there.  I found one throwing rocks at one of the (occupied) nest rafts at CSSP this evening.  "Is that a nest? Oh." He stopped, but didn't seem concerned.


Sent from my birdroid using Tapatalk.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Brian Bailey


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Everyone should program this number into your phones.

Ministry of Natural Resources
Report Resource Abuse
1 877 847 7667

I was "approached" by an officer in May at TTP because he saw me with my camera and tripod and was "concerned" I was going to go crashing through breeding areas and disturb or damage nests. I told the officer that maybe he should be going after all the off-leash dogs at Ashbridges Bay, Humber Bay, CSSP, and other parks. He gave me his card and told me to call the number if I saw any abuse and an officer would come.

It might be worth a try since calling 311 is useless as the City of Toronto refuses to do anything to protect the wildlife in our parks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Paul Reeves Photography


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Would it be possible to try to rescue the animal and bring it to the Toronto Wildlife Centre?  Once in their care they might be able to bring the bird back to full health and release it again.  Though I imagine that capturing this bird would not be easy.

Well I called the TWC and left a message.  On their website they advise against trying to rescue birds such as Cormorants without the helps of some trained wildlife rescuers because of their sharp beaks. ... rous_birds
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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I assume you know what the Darwin Awards are; I think those morons at HB qualify as potential candidates! :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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If there is a problem in the city, I suggest you phone the mayor.

 :lol:  :lol: Bwaa haa haa haa haa haa!   :lol:  :lol: *sniff*

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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I just spoke to someone at the TWC and they said that they need someone to call from the site (HBE) and relay relevant information.  I suggest asking for their assistance (trained wildlife staff) because I can't imagine catching this thing will be easy.  Watch out for the sharp beak if you attempt anything.  Due to work I am unable to make it until Saturday, but if someone can make it sooner and coordinate something with the TWC, that would be great.  Keep us updated.  But don't do anything unsafe or that would put you at risk.  

TWC Phone: 416-631-0662
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your posts!

Here is what I have done:

eMailed 311
eMailed the Editor of the Toronto Star
eMailed the Ministry of Natural Resources
eMailed the MINISTER of Natural Resources

Irene has called 311

This is as far as I can go due to work.  If someone else can pick up the ball to make phone calls, that would be awesome.  The Cormorant, last I saw it yesterday, was sitting on the Nesting Boxes off the board walk.

Getting to it will be no easy task.  My suggest is to let the "pros" do it if you can get them out.

This is one of those situations where lots of people have to react.  If you can, call the Star Editor.  Call 311.  Call the Ministry.  If enough people do it, maybe they will wake up.  I am COMPLETELY disgusted with the way the City of Toronto treats the idiots who frequent our parks.

I have complained more times than I care to admit about what goes on at HBE and SS, never have I see a ByLaw Enforcement Officer at these parks and I am there all the time in my off hours.  Dogs run rampant, garbage everywhere ... no recourse.  A weekend or two ago, a German Sheppard started barking at a woman who is terrified of dogs.  The Sheppard was off lease.  You should have heard her screeming until the owner got to the dog and pulled him away!

And, there are at least 8 more condos coming to the area in the next few years!

Please, if you can .... MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD.  5 minutes is all it takes to make a phone call.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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As someone who worked about a year for 911 (I left in August 2011), I'd like to suggest calling 911, but ONLY if you are witnessing animal abuse in progress.

If the abuse is not in progress, don't call.  You will be told to call Animal Services at 311.  That also goes for stray dogs/cats, raccoons tearing up your roof, etc.  (I once got an emergency call from someone who saw a beaver walking down the road and was afraid it would get hurt.  Also, another calltaker got a call for a pet parrot that escaped outside and was perched in a tree.  Police don't attend for calls like this.)

If the abuse is happening in front of you and there is a very good chance to catch the abuser, call 911 (and concentrate on IDing the suspect if you don't have a camera, get the license plate if you see them get into a car, etc.).  Currently, there is no specific protocol for handling an animal abuse in progress call (despite the possibility of pets-locked-in-hot-cars incidents), but many/most of the calltakers are animal lovers and will take sympathy and send the call to dispatch.  Please note, though, that HUMAN emergencies take precedence, and if it takes forever for an officer to arrive, it's most likely because 22 Division may have had a lot of other calls pending (it was astonishing how quickly the board filled up with calls for assault, domestic abuse, sexual assault, drunk driving, etc.).  If you confront the abuser(s) and they attack you, definitely call 911.

Lastly, a general note for ANY 911 call: stay as calm as possible and answer ALL questions as quickly and clearly as possible, even if you think the question is ridiculous (more about this at the bottom).  NEVER tell the calltaker to "stop asking questions and hurry up and get here" - that wastes time.  Calltakers are not the ones driving - they're entering the info as you say it, which appears on the dispatcher's screen instantaneously.  If there are officers available, and if they are on the way, the dispatcher calls the info out over the radio to those officers, who also see it on their computer screens (if they're in a car that is equipped with them) so that they know what is happening and hopefully what the suspect looks like before they get there.  Arguing with the calltakers slows the flow of information.  (This also applies when you need an ambulance).
Regarding ridiculous questions, requests for ambulance get transferred to Toronto EMS; they have a system whereby they have a set list of questions they MUST ask so that they can get an answer ON TAPE.  Once during a dismembered body call, the EMS calltaker asked if the victim was conscious and breathing, even after being initially told that a headless torso was found in an alley.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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How sad. My heart goes out this cormorant.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Thank you so much for the very, very informative post!  I greatly appreciate the information you have relayed.  I hope I never have to use it but if I do, I will be in your debt.

I have an update from my "informants"!

There was no sighting of the Cormorant yesterday near the Grebe nesting area. This is unfortunate.  I cannot make it to HBE today, but the ladies I spoke of are there every day keeping a look out and relay what they see.

I have receieve ONE response to my emails... City of Toronto ....

Hello Art,
Thank you for contacting 311 Toronto.

I have forwarded your email to the Ontario SPCA at

I hope this is helpful and please let us know if you require further information or assistance.


Joanne M.
311 Toronto

Honestly, NOT impressed.  And, not surprised.  I have complained about the BBQ Camps, the Garbage, the unleashed dogs and the mountains of Dog Doo-Doo left behind, all to no avail, so this does not surprise me.

Something you should also be aware of, according to my new found sources... there seems to be a lot of boaters going into that nesting area to have a look and disturbing the Grebe on the nest.  Some turn around when yelled at to leave... others ignore the warnings and continue to the nest.  I have witnessed one event like this myself, but I am hearing more and more of this.

Does anyone know what the boating rules are for HBE?  Greatly appreciate the info.

Thanks!! :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Last update for today... I have done one more thing, I have emailed the Mayor of Toronto with the Photographs and the store, including the emails of the witnesses.

Again, I will keep you posted to how this all plays out.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Thanks for keeping us updated Photowizard.  If anymore sightings appear please let us know.  If it is seen, I may make my down and attempt a rescue and take it to the TWC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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No problem at all.  Please be aware though!!

I have just received a response from the Ministry of Natural Resources  :D  :D  :D

They are dispatching an Officer to Humber Bay East to investigate!  You may have the best of intentions but might get yourself in trouble if you do.

Just a heads up!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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The Police have gotten in touch with the two ladies I mentioned.  I will now only update you if something is done.  I believe the proper authorities have take this to heart!

I did not see the Cormorant today at the park.  Will try Sunday as well.

The officer investigating:

Sean Armstrong
Conservation Officer C652
Aurora Enforcement Unit
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
50 Bloomington Road, First Floor, Aurora, L4G 0L8
Tel: 905-713-7735
Cell: 905-751-9730
Fax: 905-713-7429

If you see anyone being cruel to any animal or bird at any of our parks, please call and report it to this number:


An officer will be dispatched as soon as possible!

Thanks everyone!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »