For you winter birders and others that probably already have all of the below birds I will mention them anyway.
At Ashbridges bay Park yesterday Margaret Liubavicius, Ian Cannell, Ed O'Conner and I found a female Wood Duck with Mallards under the feeders beside the main parking lot and in the same area Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet and Common Redpolls and another birder told us that a male Harlequin Duck was in the boat launch area in the morning. Possibly the same one I reported on November 30th.
Also in the feeder areas we found House Fiches, Godfinches, A. Treee Sparrows, White-breasted Nuthatches, the usual Cardinals and free running docks chasing the ducks but do not bother to complain to them unless you like being mean mouthed.
Ian complained to two Police Women in their car there and they brought in a Bylaw Enforcement Officer but I don't know the results of that as we were leaving as he arrived.
Two of the excuses used for the off leash dogs - There are not many people here and the other one was - you are not a local so you can't complain.
If you go be sure to check out the many Gulls resting on the Ice.
On the base of The Leslie Street Spit before we went to Ashbridge's we saw 2 Northern Shrikes along side the road.