After seeing just how nice the weather was, I decided a drive around the neighbourhood was in order to see if the usual suspects were out and about.
Sure enough, at my first stop behind a warehouse on the NE corner of Milner Ave. and McCowan Rd. was the local RTH scoping out the scene....
Picture 1 - ... ots%21/RT2Picture 2 - ... ots%21/RT1I then travelled East along Milner Ave. to Executive Court and the surrounding factories hoping for more sightings. Sure enough, at the SKF building along the 401, there was a RTH sitting on one of the signs in the adjacent field. As I rolled down the car window to take a picture, he flew off (note to self: turn camera on BEFORE you I followed him accross Milner to the Hydro Utilities building on the NW corner where I saw him perched on a condo unit to the north of the parking lot. I zoomed in as close as I could, but the picture still came out fuzzy due to the distance.
Condo RTH - ... ots%21/RT3I then travelled West along Milner to McCowan and then South to the little forest located on the NW corner of McCowan Rd. and Ellesmere Ave. Parking is free on Sundays on Borough Drive, located 1 light North of Ellesmere on the West side of McCowan. After parking the car and walking around the forest without seeing much of anything but squirrels, I decided to walk West along Ellesmere on the sidewalk to see if there was any activity. Sure enough, I saw a large spot in the distance. As I approached, it didn't move and actually allowed me to take a couple of pictures of it as it lounged on a branch. I believe this is a Sharp Shinned Hawk, but I could be wrong - if anyone could tell me for certain, I'd appreciate it.
Sharp Shinned Hawk? - ... hinnedHawkWhile walking back to the car, I also saw a RTH soaring over the Scarborough Town Centre heading West. I travelled North to Progress Ave. in hopes of locating it, but never saw it again. I then continued travelling West along Progress Ave. looking for some birds in the factory units along the way. Seeing nothing, I swung into Kennedy Commons and proceeded to the laneway behind the Brick furniture store along the railway tracks to see if anything was roosting. Sure enough, I saw at first what I thought was a Kestrel in a tree. Camera on, I put the car into park and opened the door. As usual, he took off North towards Hwy. 401. I then went back onto William Kitchen Rd. and then onto the 401 Eastbound Ramp from Kennedy. Sure enough, there was the Kestrel sitting in a tree on the Highway side of the on-ramp. After waving as I went by, I headed back home to the McCowan/Invergordon area.
I think that next week, if I have some more free time, I'm going down to Thompson Park at Brimley and Lawrence to see what might be around.
Cheers, Attila