Yesterday I took notice to freaking Jays and soon discovered the reason... a Sharp-shinned Hawk. I am more than certain this is the same bird who has terrorized my backyard the last 3 fall/winters. She was on one of her favorite branches. She fought the 2 to 4 Jays at any given time, standing her ground. She never cared about my presence and jetted past my head at least 3 times, giving chase to Sparrows. And lastly she flushed the Pigeon crowd, almost driving one into the back of the house. No way she can take down such a large bird without some kind of tactic like that. This is not the first time I've seen her drive one into a wall.
So, I love this bird and her nutty aggressive behavior but she will wreck havoc on my upcoming "Project Feeder Watch" season once again and I will miss my Cardinals, Chickadees and Nuthatches with her presence. I guess the good thing is my seed spending will be reduced.
Ya, bittersweet this is...
I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!
Stand off in the tree. Even from this angle, one gets a good size comparison of her.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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