White crowned sparrow
Outdoor Ontario

White crowned sparrow

Howieh · 2 · 1237


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Boy, I must lead a very sheltered life 'cause I'm excited to report the first white crowned sparrow of the season in my back yard! Can the juncos be far behind? and no hummers for nearly two weeks but I'll leave the feeder up because I had them in October last year.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Ok, so the second white crowned sparrow has finally shown up! and I finally took down the hummingbird feeder, probably for the last time since it's scheduled for replacement next spring. Speaking of hummingbirds (or any birds for that matter) we will be spending a cruise day in Barbados during the second week of December so if anyone can advise me about finding interesting birds there I would really appreciate it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »