I went to Presquile on Sunday, Sept 28th. Among many shore birds I think I also saw both Golden and Black-bellied plovers in Gull Island. While there were as many 4 BBs, I only found one Golden - on the dry patch on the western side of the Gull Island. It was together with a bunch of American Pipit away from water's edge. This behaviour together with slightly smaller and thinner beaks and pronounced eye brow led me to believe that it was indeed a golden. Here are some comparison shots between the two - hope the experts in the forum will weigh in to clarify one way or the other. I believe Elias also mentioned of the Golden in one of his earlier posts on Presquile birds.
1 &2. Golden Plover. Too bad it didn't lift its wings high enough to see what's underneath. However, it doesn't appear to have black patch like #4 in BB below.
3 & 4: Black-bellied Plover