Connecticut Warbler?
Outdoor Ontario

Connecticut Warbler?

Brian Bailey

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This little gal was on the doorstep of my office this morning.  I picked her up and moved her to a bush before taking a few photos with my phone.  At the time I thought it was just a Common Yellowthroat, but looking at the photos a few minutes later, I wasn't convinced.  There were no yellow tones in the throat, the bill looks too big, and there is a faint eye ring (but not as prominent as I would expect with a Connecticut).

When I went back for another look, she flew into a dense bush, so she was clearly on the road to recovery.

Any suggestions?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Brian Bailey


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I would go with your first thought, Common Yellowthroat. Immature females can be very drab. Lack of prominent eye-ring and lack of clear line between yellow belly and darker breast would eliminate Connecticut Warbler. Immature Mourning Warbler should also show an incomplete eye-ring and at least a partial line across the breast.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »