There is lots of wildlife to be seen in the bluffs. I live in the area and I have seen foxes several times, as well as deer many times. And there are coyote around. Birding can be interesting as well; this summer there was a mating pair of mockingbirds, and I can find shrike and kestrels regularly. Lots of cardinals and the usual birds, as well as some good warblers and such during migration. I've seen bluebirds, vireos, indigo buntings, a several warbler types. Not large numbers, but you get a few good surprises every once in a while.
The trumpeters are a common sighting in Bluffers park; I have counted as many at 17 at a time. There is a pair that nests there every year and seem to raise a brood successfully each year. Lots of other water fowl and gulls, including, at times, thousands of long tails and scaups off shore. Bufflehead in close to shore, mergansers, etc. The occasional scoter. Terns in the summer, a resident GB heron, and some BCN herons.
Lots of hawks too - red tails, goshawk, sharpies. Turkey vultures at times, and more. In the year all the great grey owls came to town, there was one that spent the winter in the trees lining Brimley road down to Bluffers park. I was able to find it easily every time I went looking.
There are lots of different areas to explore. Very enjoyable.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by jjmb »
jjmb in Scarborough
If you see an injured or orphaned wild animal, call the Toronto Wildlife Centre at 416-631-0662.