Kortright Centre Report
Outdoor Ontario

Kortright Centre Report


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 1520
Well I headed up to Kortright today.  Saw 4 RTH's along Hwy. 400, made for a good start.  When I arrived I traveled along what is called the birdfeeder trail and wasn't disappointed at all.  Saw several little red squirrels, many black capped chickadees and nuthatches, along with several mourning doves and a couple of cardinals thrown in for good measure.

As I continued along the trail, there was some noise in the bush and I looked over to see a couple of white tailed deer dashing through the forest.  Further down the trail I found still smoking deer droppings, confirming their presence just earlier.

After spending some time on the boardwalk by the marsh (didn't see anything at all, very frozen and cold out there today and since it was mid afternoon I wasn't really expecting much), I continued back up to the visitor centre and then headed over to the Canadian Peregrine Falcon building to see if anyone was out and about.  Sure enough, the birds were hooting and chirping as I approached.  After looking at the birds, I went around back to see if anyone was there.  There was a sign posted on the door saying DO NOT ENTER - FLIGHT TRAINING IN PROGRESS!  Not one to interrupt the serious business going on, I went back and looked at the birds again...very cool seeing birds like that up close.

It was then that my phone rang, and wouldn't you know it - it was the Canadian Peregrine Foundation returning my phone call.  How cool is that? :)  Anyways, after chatting about my interest in joining the foundation, the lady advised that they were looking for help to man their booth for the Toronto Sportsmens Show.  How could I say no? :)

All in all a good day, and am looking forward to spending a bit of time with bird friends and people friends soon!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 417
Good stuff Attila I will see you there Im sure. I did the show last year and am scheduled to do it again this year.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1520
Here's a couple of feathered friends you'll see at the show this year.

Kyla is a female American Kestrel who is a year old and she'll be doing some flying at the show. She's very lovable and handles really well.

http://outdoorontario.net/Gallery/Attil ... s%21/Kyla2

On the opposite side of the age spectrum is Qetesh, who was hatched in 1991. She's a Peregrine Falcon, and literally is the framework and original design for most of the frontline fighters we see in the world today.

http://outdoorontario.net/Gallery/Attil ... %21/Qetesh

Cheers, and hope to see you all out there if you get a chance!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »