Website Birding Pal
Outdoor Ontario

Website Birding Pal

cabz · 3 · 3058


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Good morning;

My husband and I are doing a trip to Europe, starting with Turkey.  Has anyone ever used the above site to connect with birders in other areas of the world?  If you would rather email privately, please send any info/advise to horsestuff1 @ (please remove spaces).  We are going mid April to July.

We will also be travelling around, know we are heading Poland, Spain, and Ireland at the end and lots of places in between.  Mostly by rail, so realize most birding happens in the rural countryside, but good finds in cities too.  Already have a book for Europe.  Any and all info/advise appreciated.  As I type this a Red Bellied WP at the suet!!!!!!!!

Good birding.  Thanks in advance.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Leslie Kinrys

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Hi Cynthia,

I have used birdingpals in the US. It is definitely worth contacting people in other countries. I have met some fabulous, friendly birders. Some have shared local hotspots and spent all day with us. Others have only a little time to go out. Remember that they are volunteering their time and that they can cancel on you. Also, some pals don't respond to requests, so you may need to try more than one. If you have the budget, it is good to hire a guide or two as well. Then, you have a confirmed time to get some of the birds you want. I use these two options when I'm birding.

Your trip sounds wonderful. Have a great time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The bird lady of the tower.


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Hi Leslie

Thank you for your reply.  Yes, I will contact some of the people listed on the site and see where it goes from there.  It is nice hear someone who has had good luck and birding with the site.  I will try to report back in future.  Yes, we are very much looking forward to the trip.

Thanks again.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »