Out here on the border of Oakville/Mississauga we've got lots at the feeders. About 6-10 goldfinches, 4-8 juncos, a pair of downy woodpeckers (on the suet cage), a pair of red breasted nuthatches (on the suet cage), 3-7 chickadees, occasionally a house sparrow, and a pair of house finches who nested in the back trees this past summer. The cardinals come and watch but don't usually feed. The blue jays and crows are seen daily flying over but don't stop. We also have a coopers/sharpie and a red tailed hawk who come through often on their rounds. No mourning doves yet this year although they usually move into the yard in the summer. And sadly no male robin in the decorative (small seed) crabapple this winter. We miss him.
Mammal-wise, we have an eastern cottontail living in the yard, bedding down under some bent goldenrod, and a very pregnant (or fat!) raccoon who checks the apple tree along the back fence line on her rounds, plus red and grey squirrels and judging by the tracks, some kind of mouse or vole.
We haven't had a feeder for years and just put this one out in January so I can't compare with previous years. We use layers of black oil sunflower and nyjer in a tube feeder with some black oil scattered on the ground for the juncos.
Many of the birds spend as much time in the black eyed susan, goldenrod, and shrubby thickets in the yard as they do at the feeder.